Armchair Aerobics

The people who live at Abingdon Court all have different physical abilities but we always find common ground through exercise. From the choice of music, to the simplicity of the moves, to how we deliver the classes - we really want to make sure our exercise sessions provide satisfaction for all. It is proven that any form of exercise can boost a plethora of chemicals to the brain which improves our mood, raises our self-esteem, and infuses us with happiness. 

This week Stanley, one of our activities team, led the session to various disco hits by the likes of Abba and Tina Turner. Everyone is encouraged to join in at their own pace either following Stanley's lead, or just dancing along at their own leisure. Some people just enjoy singing along and laughing at Stanley trying to shake his hips! Regardless, lots of fun was had by all and any sign of lethargy was wiped away in an instant.